Choosing a college is one of the hardest choices in life. The below resources and their links can help students and their family narrow down the choices and make an educated decision. Some people focus on ranking/ reputation/ Ivy. Others start with campus/ majors/ activities. Words of advice from International College Counselors: A perfect college is a place where you feel like you belong.

You can see Seniors, get started on your Florida applications!

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  1. LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a newcomer to the college search. This professional networking site recently launched a new section: University Pages. These pages target high school students and their parents who want to connect with colleges in the U.S. and abroad. More than 200 schools have profile pages. Besides the usual standard school information, viewers can see how many of a school’s graduates are on LinkedIn; a breakdown of the main fields in which they work; and a list of the top employers of alumni. Students can also check out notable alumni and the less famous, see where they live and work, and see what they do.
  2. College Navigator. This is a free information tool run by the government. It’s not pretty to look at but it offers more data on U.S. colleges and universities than any other site. The College Navigator’s school search engine allows users to scour the country for schools based on chosen criteria. Some schools are ones you have heard of, and others not. It’s a great opportunity to go beyond the schools you know.
  3. College Insight. College Insight offers detailed information on almost 5,000 U.S. colleges and universities. Find and compare statistics for each college on such topics as college affordability, racial and ethnic diversity of both students and faculty, and student success as defined by graduation rates and the number of degrees and certificates awarded.
  4. College Board. The College Board provides a list of college matches when general data and preferences are entered. It’s a good site to browse offerings, discover new names and pick up quick facts about a particular school. It’s very easy to find information on the student body profile, housing, financial aid, available majors, and more.
  5. Naviance. This source allows students and their families to manage the entire college application process from beginning to end. Naviance can be used to research college options, choose where to apply, request recommendations, deliver electronic transcripts, and track scholarship applications. It will also help assess a student’s areas of interest and learning styles, and then it will use this information to suggest college-student matches. Students may only access Naviance if their school uses Naviance or if they are clients of International College Counselors. At International College Counselors, we use Naviance to track active applications as well as milestones and historical information for each Student.

Sourse: Edition 19 Aldea Magazine

María Isabel Bautista
Amplia experiencia en Gerencia de proyectos de tecnología y en el diseño de estrategias de Formación. Experto en diseño instruccional para plataformas elearning, guiones de objetos de aprendizaje multimedia, administración de Moodle. Administración de empresas, factibilidad de proyectos y finanzas. Conducción de equipos multidisciplinarios desarrollo de software, integración de aplicaciones y creación de servicios tecnología web, gestión de contenido Web, Posicionamiento, SEO y frontend developer