El Condado de Montgomery en Bethesda anunció, a través de su página web y correo electrónico que fueron otorgadas subvenciones a 21 organizaciones por un total de $1,425,000 para apoyar el aprendizaje del idioma inglés para adultos.
Ello fué posible gracias a la unión de «Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL)», el Ejecutivo del Condado de Montgomery Marc Elrich y el Consejo del Condado de Montgomery.
Las 21 organizaciones que brindan 27 programas de aprendizaje del idioma inglés para adultos en todo el Condado son las siguientes:
- Ana A. Brito Foundation, Inc.
- Briggs Center for Faith and Action
- CASA (Life Skills ESOL Program)
- CASA (Workforce ESOL Program)
- Catholic Charites of the Archdiocese of Washington, Inc.
- Chinese American Parent Association of Montgomery County
- Chinese Culture and Community Service Center
- City of Light Helping Hands
- Classroom 2 Community (formerly Literacy Council of Montgomery County)
- Community Reach of Montgomery County, Inc. (Language Outreach Conversation Classes)
- Community Reach of Montgomery County, Inc. (Language Outreach Program)
- Covenant Life Church
- Ethiopian Community Center
- Family Services, Inc./Sheppard Pratt (ESOL Program)
- Family Services, Inc./Sheppard Pratt (Family Discovery Center)
- Family Services, Inc./Sheppard Pratt (Conversation Classes)
- Francophone Africans Alliance
- The George B. Thomas Leaning Academy, Inc.
- Identity Inc.
- Impact Silver Spring
- Mill Creek Parish United Methodist Church
- Rockville Seniors, Inc.
- Seneca Creek Community Church (Saturday ESOL Classes)
- Seneca Creek Community Church (Weekday ESOL Program)
- Vietnamese American Services (Citizenship Class and Workforce Development)
- Vietnamese American Services (Conversation English Class for Adult Learners)
- Washington New Covenant Fellowship Church
Leer mas acá: https://montgomerycomd.blogspot.com/2023/07/21-organizations-receive-grants.html?m=1