Maribel Alvarez Mouro

The term culture is projected in many contexts as «everything that makes the man.» If this concept is framed in the digital context, we can understand it as «everything that humans do in the context of technological and computer today.»

Digital Culture is projected today, focuses on a stage surrounded by dynamic and multifunctional electronic devices, which are manipulated by men and women of different ages. However, the issue of Digital Culture, has transcended all contexts of human life today. It is common to see men, women, youth, among others, manipulating and accurately determining high-end electronic devices in the actions of everyday life.

It is common to see the use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops and a number of devices that humans increasingly acquires more simplicity and incorporates their daily tasks. Operate efficiently, these teams effective and relevant, is the task that we can be more complex, especially if we approach the look how these devices are used in our home environments.

It is increasingly common to use the Web in various electronic devices, and this in turn is becoming more and more users are younger. Parents and children are rhythmic for a digital world that day becomes more popular and constantly suggests the need for active consumption of more and more devices. It is here where the family as a compact unit that supports society, has acquired a responsibility as educating for the partnership of Digital Culture.

Family environments run by parents and guardians have an important task in the training of children and youth in our times, where training has an important component level communication, which is to regulate the use of electronic devices. Generating environments for the family acts feel that the use of cell phones, Internet, game consoles, among others, do not crowd the spaces of communication, affective sharing and coexistence, is the task that currently parents must consider.

The technological tools must be accompanied by guidance and training on how to use them, why we use them, how long we use them and what are the skills that I have to give you a responsible, effective and efficient. In this sense, the use of these tools should be geared towards each individual has relevance to their usefulness. The age, function, skill, time and supervision guidelines for their use, are key factors that parents should consider when their children interact with the world of technology.

While the world of humanity Web provides a range of possibilities for interconnection, it is also true that education and the role of processes accompanying parents materialize harder and need in these days of digital world.

Digital Culture makes families consider the administration and consumer education to good use and management towards digital devices. Deepen actively in family strategies to guide their children in the proper use of the Web is one of the many tasks that branch of living in the digital age.

Parents of today should consider that digital tools are devices to be used for specific purposes, keeping in constant observation and handling purpose when they are used by their children. Moreover, when children from early ages which manipulate these devices are adults who as such, should provide guidance and management direction thereof, so that is not possible alienation or abuse to an irresponsible use of these tools.

Fathers and mothers, have committed the task of ensuring that their children take Digital Culture, as a part of our lives, where responsibility, honesty, relevance and supervision are familiar scenarios actors who ensure the optimal use of digital media.

Educating today, requires knowledge of Information Technology and Communication, to thus be able to guide the children how to use them, for what and why. To the extent that parents educate and learn about the digital world, the more support you can provide to their children about the various technological tools that make up our world. Recalling that digital culture is a reality of «Fathers and Sons».

Sourse: Edition 16 Aldea Magazine