By  Andreína Ojeda

Statistics show that bilingual or multilingual professionals have a competitive edge in multipleareas. It is imperative that professionals who have not master edthe English language in the United States polishtheir English languages kills in order to avail them selves of better opportunities. Professional swith specialized skills in industries such as aviation, business, healthcare, construction, entertainment, law, pharmaceutical, safety, technology and transportation, who do not possess the English skillsrequired to excel at work, findithard to have their specialized skill sack now ledged. Many positions ranging from customer service to management,  require perfect mastery of the English language.

Also may can read The Best Intensive English Program With Lingua Language Center at Broward College

Among the many benefits that professionals would enjoy by speaking English professionally are expanding opportunities, positioning their organizations in the global market, out performing the competition, improving overall performance, opting for higher positions, following safety procedures with confidence, conversing with co-workers, friends, and/orclients in a new language, and enjoying travel to the fulles text ent.

Sourse: 27th Edition Aldea Educativa Magazine


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