Self-Sufficiency Case Management Program
Helping people with Case Management, Tuition Assistance, Assistance with Education & Training, and more.
Broward County Community Action Agency
Orientation on the first Friday of every month starting...
Get Help Preparing for Standardized Tests and More
Scholars Inc. provides after school tutoring, mentoring and summer school programs. Our academics is computer based with a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics...
Get Help Preparing for Standardized Tests and More
Scholars Inc. provides after school tutoring, mentoring and summer school programs. Our academics is computer based with a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics...
Programas de verano para estudiantes de secundaria
Programas de verano para estudiantes de secundaria
Las vacaciones de invierno ya estan llegando. Es hora de comenzar a pensar en el verano. Para los...
Cares Team
Are you the caretaker for your grandchild, niece, nephew or sibling? You don't have to do it alone. The CARES TEAM can help. Offering...
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
We offer Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP), an experience-based psychotherapy treatment provided on its own or in conjunction with existing treatment. Learn about our organization...
Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Open Enrollment began November 1st and will continue untilDecember 15th. The Broward Regional Health Planning Council (BRHPC) will provide Navigator services to Broward County...
Asesoramiento e Información Sobre Becas de Mérito Académico
What is an academic merit scholarship?
Merit scholarships are scholarships awarded for achievement and are not financial need-based. They can be awarded on the basis of academic, athletic,...
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
We are looking for dedicated seniors who are willing to help children in Broward County elementary schools improve their reading and literacy.
Impact Broward