9 Tips for Charting the Right High School Courses for Admissions
It's that time of year: students need to pick their classes for the next school year. Increase your chances for admissions into the college...
Get Scholarships to Study in Europe
If you are interested in getting a Scholarship to study in Europe, be sure to visit the following websites:
Obtén Becas para Estudiar en Europa
Si estás interesado en conseguir una Beca para estudiar en Europa, no dejes de visitar los siguientes sitios web:
Summer Programs for High School Students
Winter break is almost here. Time to start thinking about summer.
For high school students who want to stand out in college admissions, summer is...
Asesoramiento e Información Sobre Becas de Mérito Académico
What is an academic merit scholarship?
Merit scholarships are scholarships awarded for achievement and are not financial need-based. They can be awarded on the basis of academic, athletic,...
Advice, and Information on Academic Merit Scholarships
What is an academic merit scholarship?
Merit scholarships are scholarships awarded for achievement and are not financial need-based. They can be awarded on the basis of academic, athletic,...
Becas en Estados Unidos
AAUW International Fellowships
1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000Washington, DC 20005
202.785.7700 800.326.2289
Diseñado para proveer a las mujeres latinoamericanas ayuda para realizar sus estudios de pregrado...
Programa de becas para personas ciegas
El programa anual de becas de la Federación Nacional de Ciegos es el más grande de su tipo en la nación. Cada año, otorgan...
La Universidad cuesta mucho dinero ¿Cómo la pago?
La mayoría de los padres quieren que sus hijos al terminar el colegio, continúen sus estudios universitarios para que tengan una profesión que les...
How to start your scholarship search
Scholarships do not come to you just because you want to or because you are a good student and you deserve. You have to...