Creating the Optimal Living Environment for a Child with ADHD
Children with ADHD often need help keeping their bedrooms and environments organized. In fact, creating an environment in which there’s a place for everything...
Enseñando a su hijo sobre compañeros con necesidades especiales
Conciencia de la discapacidad, compasión y hacer amigos en el aula
According to her mother, 8-year-old J. is "really sweet and loves attention." She goes...
Teaching Your Child About Peers With Special Needs Disability
awareness, compassion, and making friends in the classroom
According to her mother, 8-year-old J. is "really sweet and loves attention." She goes to her friend's...
Autism and Addiction: Coping with and Treating Your Dual Diagnosis
About one third of all people living with a mental disorder are also coping with some form of substance abuse. This seems to be...
Teaching College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
By: Kathy DeOrnellas PhD
An increasing number of individuals are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), particularly the higher functioning form of autism previously...
How to Address Special Education Needs in the ELL Classroom
By Kristina Robertson in Colorin Colorado
I remember a former Somali student of mine, Samira, who was dedicated, attentive, and friendly. I thoroughly enjoyed having her...
Suggested Classroom Interventions For Children With ADD & Learning Disabilities
by Child Development Institute
Children with attention deficit disorder and/or learning disabilities can be a challenge for any classroom teacher. This page provides some practical...
Un nuevo idioma para los niños
Por Team Aldea Educativa
En este pais maravilloso, en donde la multiculturalidad es una de sus riquezas, debemos preguntarnos ¿cuán preparadas están los maestros para recibir...
El Autismo: Una conquista Familiar
Por Viviana Vethencourt
La sociedad en general y específicamente las personas que de alguna manera estamos relacionadas con el autismo, ya sea porque somos profesionales...
Autismo Leve
Por Viviana Vehencourt
Durante el mes de Abril se celebró el Autism Awareness Month, un mes dedicado a llamar la atención y a aumentar la...