10 Strategic Winter Break Activities for High School Students

For many high school students, winter break offers a highly-anticipated breather. High school life is busy and stressful with classes, study time, activities, and...

How to Create a Great High School Resume

Whether a high school student is looking for a job or an internship, applying to college, pursuing a scholarship, or seeking to attend a...

The College Admissions Interview: The DO’S And DON’TS

Some college admissions offices want to know more about you than what is covered in your application; they want to meet you, put a...

How to Navigate College Admissions Excitement and Disappointment

As winter ice thaws and spring flowers begin to bloom, colleges are—or will be soon— notifying applicants of their admission decisions. Now especially, parents need...

Tips on Acing an Asynchronous College Admissions Interview

Introducing a new form of interview: the asynchronous video. In this form of interview now being utilized by college admissions representatives at a number...

IB, AP, and AICE: They’re all college-level programs; what are the differences?

When students take AP, IB and AICE courses, they are studying college-level material while they’re in high school. These courses challenge students to explore...

Evaluación de Universidades Para el Año Educativo 2021-2022

Recientemente, en una presentación comentamos que hace algunos años el ir a estudiar al extranjero desde otro país era muy complicado porque era muy...

Como y Donde Buscar Becas

Las becas no llegan a ti solo porque las deseas o porque eres un buen estudiante y te las mereces. Tienes que salir a...

Diez Factores a Considerar al Elegir una Universidad

Ubicación Geográfica Algunos estudiantes deciden que quieren asistir una universidad en otra región del país, distante de su casa. Otros quieren quedarse cerca de...

An Expert Guide to Early Decision, Early Action, Rolling and Other Admission Options

With so many admissions options, it can be difficult to determine which is best for your student.  While early admission policies, such as Early Decision...