Written by Elizabeth Briceno
Going Back to School with enthusiasm and joy is our greatest wish for the whole student community.

During this time they will face new challenges, make new friends and will dream of the future they want. No doubt there will be much on which to reflect, among other globalization which has brought us good things, but not others, because sometimes the changes may have occurred too quickly and the cultural impact could have not assimilated correctly as expected. In the family and society we are obliged to give all necessary support to integrate young people to interact with other cultures, with different customs and habits as well as support them in all matters related to its future. Aldea Educativa Magazine is committed to support the burgeoning youth which is forming and their relatives; we can serve as adviser when deciding what to study or to do, but there are also specialized organizations such as International College Counselor that can advise your child from ninth grade and prepare for a successful career. Our children are our greatest treasure and it is our responsibility to guide them and prepare them for the world that they will live.
Sourse: 30th Edition Aldea Educativa Magazine