How to Navigate College Admissions Excitement and Disappointment
As winter ice thaws and spring flowers begin to bloom, colleges are—or will be soon— notifying applicants of their admission decisions.
Now especially, parents need...
Los Cerezos en Flor (Cherry Blossom)
En la ciudad de Washington D.C., y sus alrededores, ha ido subiendo la temperatura y la naturaleza realiza una de esas maravillas de la...
Tips on Acing an Asynchronous College Admissions Interview
Introducing a new form of interview: the asynchronous video. In this form of interview now being utilized by college admissions representatives at a number...
Dia Internacional de la Mujer
Aldea Educativa Magazine se une al regocijo de la comunidad internacional al celebrar hoy el Dia Internacional de la Mujer, que fuera proclamado por...
Qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship: Everything You Need to Know
National Merit Scholarships are financial awards offered as part of a national academic competition. If you are interested in learning how to earn a National...
La Represa
Por Tomás González Patiño
Una mañana se desplazaba en su automóvil por la angosta carretera de construcción provisional, José Luis Mirabal. Esta pequeña, primitiva y...
Best Schools for Students with a Learning Disability
Courtesy from IReviews
The biggest challenges students with a learning disability face include a lack of tailored courses, educational support, and extracurricular activities. Some schools...
¿Se dice «sudamericano» o «suramericano»?
Esta duda la resuelve la Real Academias Española de la siguiente manera:
"Puede resultar chocante que, siendo sur la denominación del punto cardinal, haya palabras...
What Does Test-Optional Really Mean for Students?
Yale. Harvard. Columbia. All eight Ivy League colleges have gone test optional for the high school class of 2023, choosing to suspend the requirement...
New Fact Sheet About the Pandemic and Compensatory Services for Students with Disabilities
U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released Providing Students with Disabilities Free Appropriate Public Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Addressing the Need...