El Programa de Embajadores de Padres ESOL

El Programa de Embajadores de Padres ESOL es una iniciativa compartida entre Padres de estudiantes ESOL y el Departamento ESOL del Condado de Broward. Nacimos con...

Es importante estar informado

Por ESOL Department Sabías que el Departamento ESOL de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Broward hace todo lo posible para informar y orientar a los...

Ciudadanos informados y comprometidos

Utilizando la capital de la nación como un aula viva, los participantes obtienen una vista de primer plano del gobierno y la democracia en...

HISPANIDAD: Mes de la Herencia Hispana

Por Sandra Ramón Vilarasau Estados Unidos celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana como un tributo a la minoría más grande del país. Según la...

By the numbers: Students enter Fla. universities with strong GPAs

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/education/highered/sfl-college-admissions-tougher-box-031711,0,180424.htmlstory University GPA ACT SAT Florida A&M University 3.03* 20.1 963 Florida Atlantic University 3.3 23.2 1,083 Florida Gulf Coast University 3.35 22.2 1,039 Florida International University 3.7 23.9 1,140 Florida State University 3.9 27.1 1,228 New College of Florida 4.02* 29.1 1,310 University of Central Florida 3.83 26.6 1,237 University of Florida 4.3 29 1,304 University of North Florida 3.79 24.7 1,204 University of...

Broward schools fall behind in digital education

Students in Broward County's public schools may be graduating without the digital know-how they need to succeed in college and the workforce. While the state...

Florida ranks high in virtual education

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/education/fl-florida-online-tophat-20130807,0,1724773.story Florida has been cited as the nation's leader in learning opportunities for students, just not in physical classrooms. Consumer website CardHub has ranked the state...

Department of Education releases guidance on using federal funds to facilitate digital learning

http://blog.iste.org/department-education-releases-guidance-federal-funds-facilitate-digital-learning/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=department-education-releases-guidance-federal-funds-facilitate-digital-learning On Wednesday, the Department of Education released a letter outlining how states and districts can leverage existing federal funds provided under the Elementary and Secondary Education...

Learn To Grow: Un nuevo preescolar abre sus puertas en Miramar

 La directora general de Learn to Grow, Eileen Busato, quien nos recibió con gran entusiasmo,   respondió algunas de nuestras preguntas de interés general para...

RENEW Project

World  Refugee Day, June 10, 2014, Hosted by Project RENEW/ Broward College Project RENEW  Refugees Entering New Enterprises and Workforce  You’ve come so far. We can help...