Cómo ayudar a su hijo a manejar la admisión a la universidad, la decepción...
Sentar las bases. Antes de que lleguen las cartas de aceptación, los padres deben decirle a sus hijos, lo orgullosos que están de...
Preschool… Back to school!
By Elizabeth Monzonis
Incredible! Already today they start classes!
Let see.... Yes, everything ready: lunch bag, uniform, school supplies.
A nutritious breakfast with fruit, cereal and milk,...
Dual Language Program
Participating Schools
Broadview Elementary
1800 SW 62nd Ave., North Lauderdale 33068
Manatee Bay Elementary
19200 SW 36th St., Weston 33332
Tel. 754-323-6450
Boulevard Heights
7201 Johnson St., Hollywood 33024
Margate Elementary
6300 NW 18th St., Margate 33063
Tel. 754-322-6900
Chapel Trail Elementary
La Educación finlandesa – ¿Un sueño alcanzable?
Por Emilia Ahvenjärvi
- Aló, habla Finlandia.
- Buenos días, Finlandia. Le llamo porque quiero mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje en mi colegio y le pediría,...
Tips for Parents before meeting with teachers
Contact between parents and teachers is important for the future of their children. Teachers are with their children every day and can see changes...
Estudiar Música como Carrera
Por María Eugenia Simancas Soriano
Licenciada en Música mención educación
Cientos de casos, confirman la mala reputación de la música como carrera, la mayoría de los...
«The Symphony of the thousand» of Gustav Mahler Captured Venezuelans
By Sonia Mauriello
Under the musical direction of Gustavo Dudamel, Mahler´s 8th Symphony took life and filled with emotions the Teresa Carreño Theatre in Caracas.
Director Gustavo Dudamel,...
The CPALMS Project
By Ely Briceño
Provide standards-based tools to create high quality courses, instructional resources, planning and professional development.
CPALMS is a state wide infrastructure project to build...
New challenges to Preschool education
NEW CHALLENGES FOR PRESCHOOL On September 14, 2015, we issued a policy statement that sets a vision and provides recommendations to States, local educational...
The new SAT for 2016
The College Board’s president David Coleman recognized that the standardized tests have become “far too disconnected from the work of our high schools” and...