There are many benefits to turning in your application in advance of the actual deadline. At International College Counselors, we recommend students submit their applications at least three weeks before the admissions deadline.

Why should students aim to get their applications in early? Here are some reasons.

1. Peak performance. Stress kills productivity. Rushing to get the application done as fast as you can increases your chances of making mistakes. When you’re not rushed, you have time to think things through and do your best work.

2. Holidays. January 1 is the most common Regular Decision deadline. November 30 is the deadline for University of California applications. But, what you may not know is that almost every U.S. high school closes for Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, and many people use up vacation days in December. So, if you need something from your high school counselor or teacher, you may not be able to get it. Additionally, many colleges close for the holidays, so if you have a question, someone may not be there to answer it either.

3. Disasters. Hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes and other disasters have all occurred close to – and during – deadlines. Preparations for these events, as well as the after-effects, may prevent you from submitting. Some schools may extend the deadlines, but a number of them stick to the original plan.

4. Technological trouble. Blackouts happen. The Internet can go down. Websites have technical glitches. The Common App website crashed in 2013 and 2017. Application websites are also known to be very slow when there are large spikes in activity; unsurprising to many, these spikes usually occur around deadlines.

5. College bias. Many colleges document the time and date when students submit their applications. If a student submits their application on the last day, the admission committee may conclude that a student is not as organized or as interested as a student who applied early.

6. Housing and other perks. Some colleges, such as University of Florida and University of Southern California, assign housing for new freshmen on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students may apply for campus housing right after they submit their application. The earlier a student applies, the greater chance they have for getting their preferred dorm building and room type.

7. Double review. Clients of International College Counselors who purchase our Comprehensive Packages benefit from double reviews on their applications if they submit them to their college advisor on or before the advisor’s deadline. A double review is the best way to avoid mistakes.

8. More stress. Save yourself, your parents, and your college advisor the stress! Getting all of your applications in early ensures you did your best work, and you will feel so amazingly relieved!

Additional Assistance

Get your application done in time and done well! For assistance with the application or any part of the college admissions process, contact us at 1-954-414-9986.


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