Will be launched at “Indian Ridge Middle School” “Indian Ridge Middle School”

“Mujeres Latinas Impulsando Mujeres Latinas” and “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward” have joined forces to launch, this academic year, a mentoring initiative designed to encourage Hispanic/Latina adolescent girls to stay in school, pursue high academic goals and encourage healthy attitudes and safe practices. The program will target 25 adolescent girls at risk who are recent immigrants to the South Florida region and currently reside in low-income areas adjacent to “Indian Ridge Middle School.”
Ana Valladares, President/CEO of “Mujeres Latinas Impulsando Mujeres Latinas” explains that “this new strategic alliance with BBBS is enriching this unique program and allowing our mentors to produce the desired outcomes. These are aligned with the Broward County School system goals in ddressing this population.”During the academic year, each child will have in-person, phone and electronic contacts with her mentor.

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The mentor will also initiate one 30 minute meeting or contact with an adult family member and, at least, one hour activity with the youth and this adult. “Our vision is that this special program focused on the educational and personal development of the girls will culminate with a Leadership Institute event, which will include workshops on leadership, communication, identity, goal-setting and other topics relevant to Latina teens” says Ana Cedeno, CEO of “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward.” “They will be introduced to outstanding leaders, from all sectors, who will share experiences, give advice, teach new skills and help build the self-confidence of the participants. An experiential day focuses in the real world applications to the program materials they learned during the year.”
All interested parties can contact “Mujeres Latinas Impulsando Mujeres Latinas” (http://www.mujereslatinasbroward.org) by calling the number (954) 389-1944, and “Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward”
(http://www.bbbsbroward.org) at (954) 584-9990.

Sourse: Edition 24 Aldea Magazine