By Elizabeth Monzonis
Incredible! Already today they start classes!
Let see…. Yes, everything ready: lunch bag, uniform, school supplies.
A nutritious breakfast with fruit, cereal and milk, to start the day.
I see school buses outside.
Today, there are many people in the street, parents and children, in cars, on bicycles or walking, all excited and nervous.
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As arrived at the school… how happen this day?…. will be very anxious? How nice that the first days we can spend some time in the new classroom! We greet the teachers and future colleagues…
Some don’t want to talk, others pose for the photo, some cry… It was time to separate us, so hug very strong and try to give you confidence…
I kiss and tell «Goodbye, Daddy, I will be fine».
With tears in his eyes, my dad I look and told me: «I’m sure about that, I love you.»
«Have a nice school year».
Yes, I am sure that I’m ready for this new phase of my life.
Source Aldea Educativa Edition 14