Pre-Registration Questionnaire for Parent and Guardian from the Broward School Board

Please complete a short questionnaire by Friday, July 10th so the District knows what options you prefer for your children when school opens in the...

Virtual College – Admissions Webinars

For August 31, 2022, register in this link For September 14, 2022, register in this link For September 21, 2022, register in this link

9 Tips for Charting the Right High School Courses for Admissions

It's that time of year: students need to pick their classes for the next school year. Increase your chances for admissions into the college...

“Happy Easter”

Queríamos desearles un Feliz Dia de Pascuas compartiendo algunas ideas sobre el origen de esta tradición, y nos dispusimos a investigar, encontrándonos con muchos...

Transportation Reimbursement

You may qualify for transportation reimbursement expenses related to your job. If you can answer "yes" to all of the questions below, then you...

Meet the biggest event in the world of Twitter

 Know what was discussed during this annual event, considered the world's largest meeting regarding Twitter.   Ingrese a este link para ampliar la información:

Community Service Opportunities

Feeding the Hungry at Jubilee Center  http://www.jubileecenterbrow Age Minimum (with Adult): 16+, Minimum Age:18+ Jubilee Center in Hollywood serves approximately 170 clients every weekday.  Volunteers are...

Discovery Fest


Día Mundial de Toma de Conciencia del Abuso y Maltrato en la Vejez

Hoy 15 de junio se celebra el Día Mundial de Toma de Conciencia del Abuso y Maltrato en la Vejez, el cual fue decretado...